Saturday 1 June 2019

Parle biscuits India's likely taste

         Parle biscuits

  • Parle company famous for their taste.
  • Everyone know about this products.
  • Each items will be make tasty day by day.
  • Parle gives parle G biscuits, parle candy and more other items which have children more likely to purchase.
          Place where the start this company that is 
Ville parley in Mumbai in 1929
Which were very old food products in India. 

           As of 2011, it is the largest selling brand of biscuits in the world according to Nielsen.
 Parle-G biscuits were earlier called Parle gluco biscuits until the 1980s. 
G stood for " glucose", and brand slogan is Parle-G  
G for genius..
     In 2013 India's first FMCG brand to cross the Rs. 5000 crore mark in retail sales.
Last many years we have seen
That it's used as snacks in morning
Time with  tea.
Every person included as an aged, middle aged & children's favourite snacks in the morning.
Sometimes we have used to remove our hungry bcz it's provides glucose in our body..
Thanks for the reads.

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